grid pic

Grid-style workout with teams of 6 (3 guys and 3 girls).

* Each race is worth points, so if there are 5 teams, the winner of Race 1 gets 5 points, 2nd place gets 4 pts, etc
* Rx and Scaled teams
* Races 4 & 5 are run at the same time

Race 1: 1600m run
* 2 guys, 2 girls
* time cap 11′
* DNF under cap gets 0 points

Race 2: 2000m row
* 1 guy, 1 girl that didn’t do Race 1
* Row starts at the 11′ mark of running clock
* Each athlete does 1000m
* May break up row anyway
* time cap 9′

2′ break, clock is still running

Race 3: Team Total: Max Clean & Jerk
* Add up total team weight
* Any type of clean and jerk
* time cap 9′
* Two bars per team (men’s and women’s)

5′ break, clock is still running

Race 4: Women’s Chipper
* You-go-I-go
* Chipper-style
* Reps do not have to be evenly split
* Teammates may rack bar for the lifter on front squat
* Races 4 & 5 should be run at the same time to save time

60 KB swings – 35#
30 Double Touches (T2B + pullup = 1 rep)
30 Front squats – 135#
60 HR pushups
60 thrusters – 65#
60 box jumps – 20″

Race 5: Men’s Chipper
* You-go-I-go
* Chipper-style
* Reps do not have to be evenly split
* Teammates may rack bar for the lifter on front squat
* Races 4 & 5 should be run at the same time to save time

60 KB swings – 53#
30 Double Touches (T2B + pullup = 1 rep)
30 Front squats – 185#
60 HR pushups
60 thrusters – 95#
60 box jumps – 24″

5′ break, clock stops and resets for next event

Race 6: Team Sprint Relay
* All 6 athletes must be used
* Relay style, must tag in from start box
* 4 burpee buy-in each tag
* Assign athlete to one station per round
* Athlete must complete station before tagging out
* Athlete may do a different station in round 2

2 rounds for time
15 HSPU (scaled: use abmats or box HSPU)
25 ball slams (25 / 20)
5 muscle-ups, bar or ring (scaled: 5 pullups + 5 ring dips)
5 rope climbs (scaled: rope pulls)
15 snatches @ 95/65
25 walls balls (20/14) to 10’/9′

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